Getting a personal loan ca be a challenge if your credit score isn't up to par, the Upstart Online Personal Loan however has come up an approach that could help you out. Instead of focusing solely on applicants credit scores, the company takes several other factors into consideration. If you are looking for a personal loan to help you get back in control of your financial independence then Upstart might just be the solution.
Upstart Online Personal Loans provide fairly affordable rates, but remember these types of loans should be taken as a last resort. They are designed to give you the  financial support you need to get back on your feet.  Taking out an Upstart loan means having the opportunity to escape that overwhelmig feeling of being in a debt hole.
Upstart has 5 stars on consumer review site Trustpilot and along with our own research we feel confident in telling you a little bit more about this card. You need to gather as much information as you can before settling on which personal loan you are going to apply for. We've compiled some handy information to help you decide.Â
What are the Benefits of an Upstart Online Personal Loan
Upstart provides online personal loans at prices you can afford. For a more accurate assessment, you’ll be glad to know that Upstart will look into your education and job history. This way, they can provide personal loans that match your lifestyle, financial status, and overall needs. Armed with the thinking that you are more than just your credit score, Upstart sees to it that they perform a holistic analysis of your profile, allowing you to get a lower rate.
What are the Fees for an Upstart Online Personal Loan
With the help of Upstart, you will have the chance to be on your way to financial freedom and flexibility. While all Upstart loans have a fixed interest rate, your personal rates are based on your individual conditions including your education history, work experience, and credit history.
The rates for this lender range between 7.98% to 35.99%. Meanwhile, the interest rate will only amount to one factor of the total cost of the loan. The average 3-year loan will have an APR of 21% and 36 monthly payments. This will garner a charge of $35 per $1,000 borrowed.
You’ll be glad to know that there is no downpayment for this plan and no prepayment penalty. With this feature, you will not be penalized if you are able to pay back your loan early.Â
How To Apply For An Upstart Online Personal Loan
If you have decided that an Upstart Online Personal Loan fits your financial needs and your lifestyle, then you will want to know what the application process requires of you. If you haven't quite made your mind up yet, then it might be helpful to ask yourself these questions before delving into any sort of application process.Â
Should you decide to apply for this loan, you need to present all of the required documents that establish your identity. In order to apply, you must at least be 18 years of age and be a US citizen or a permanent US resident (not currently residing in West Virginia). Aside from those requirements, you must also be able to present your proof of income.
You must also have a personal banking account at a US financial institution complete with a routing transit number. Likewise, you will be asked to present a valid email account and your social security number.Â
Although Upstart online loan officers look at a number of factors when evaluating your application, you still need to have an acceptable credit rating even if it isn't great. If your online personal loan is approved, you will be able to receive anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000. Further, 99% of applicants get their money after just 1 business day of having their application approved. If you've got all that information ready to go, you can fill out the personal loan application on the on the Upstart website to start the process.
How to Contact UpstartÂ
If you have more questions about the Upstart Online Personal Loan, you can contact Upstart directly. You can do this by visiting their head office at 2950 S. Delaware Street, San Mateo, California. Upstart can also be reached by phone at (650) 204-1000.Â
Note: There are risks involved when applying for a loan. Consult the lender’s terms and conditions page for more information.