If you are looking for a loan that isn't going to stipulate what you can spend it on, the Westpac Online Personal Loan might be for you. You can spend this loan on anything from debt consolidation to home repairs to even your upcoming wedding. There may be a variety of reason you need a loank, the most important thing is to get informed.
Before you get informed, you should write down what your goals are for your loan. You should know why you are getting it and how it is going to help your overall financial health. You should look into interest rates, payback flexibility, late fees as well as what you are allowed to spend it on.
There are hundreds of personal loan options on the market and those lenders need you as much as you need them. So the key is to make sure you know what you require so you can find a provider that can provide that for you. Our editors have dived into the Westpac Online Personal lona for you and found results. The details are found below and you should read through all of them. Once you read through you will better be able to figure if this is the loan for you.
What are the Benefits of a Westpac Online Personal Loan?
The bank offers an unsecured loan that can be availed for a variety of uses. If you choose to get the Westpac Online Personal loan, you can use it for debt consolidation, vacations, funding a wedding, car purchases and home renovations. In fact, you can even use this loan to fund several matters at once.
Perhaps the best thing about this loan is that you can get it without borrowing against your valuable possessions including your vehicle or your property. This makes the loan a more accessible and more convenient one.Â
When you get this loan, one of the most important things you should take note of is the interest rate. For an unsecured Westpac loan, you can enjoy deduction from your rate if your application is approved on or before the 21st of March 2019. If you get your loan before this date, your interest rate will be 1% less, lowering it to 11.99%. However, keep in mind that this only applies for fixed repayments with a scheduled end-date.
If you choose to get flexible repayments without an end-date, you will be paying the interest only on the outstanding balance and not the assigned limit. Your variable interest rate will be 16.29% per annum. With this scheme, you will be paying the amount you prefer whenever you like.
With this kind of loan within your grasp, you can certainly get the funding you need without going through obstacles. Just make sure that you have the right documents and you can start your application ASAP. Just rememer that your fees, interest rates and repayment terms will depend on your credit score.Â
How to Get a Westpac Online Personal Loan
If this is what you have in mind, you are in luck because you can easily apply for this loan. Just make sure that you are an existing Westpac customer with an age of 18 years old or over. You should also be an Australian Permanent Resident or have an acceptable visa. Aside from this, you should present proof of employment within the country.
Moreover, the bank requires that borrowers should have a regular income deposited into their Westpac account in no less than 2 years. Don’t have one? You can still avail this loan if you have a Westpac Home Loan.
For a sure application head on to the Westpac website, make sure that you have your income, employment, financial commitment and other related documents on hand. Your driver’s license can also be useful for your application. Once you send in your application, you can get results within minutes. In fact, if you are an existing customer, the process will only take 5 minutes!
You can get a loan as low as $4,000 and as high as $50,000.
How to Contact Westpac
Head office
75 Kent Street Sydney
NSW 2000.
Telephone: 1300 655 505
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information