If you need a personal loan that is also willing to give you back some of the money you pay, the Sanlam Online Personal Loan could be a good choice for you. After you have paid your payments for 12 consecutive months, you can borrow back on that amount. Additionally, you are free to use the funds you borrow on what you want.
Some lenders stipulate what you can and cannort use the funds they lend you on, which is a little frustrating. But with Sanlam loan you can use the money for things like weddings, home renovation and even for travel. Additionally, if you have found yoursel in a sticky situation with too many cards and too many debts, you can consolidate all of it. Of course, when you are borrowing money, you've got to be serious about what you are trying to achieve.
There is no point in borrowing money to consolidate debt if you are going to fill all your cards back up again. Before applying for a loan, take the time to have a clear mental picture of what you want to see happen within the next few financial years. Our editors have explored the Sanlam Online Personal Loan for you below. Read all of the details before you decide whether or not this is the right loan for you and your lifestyle.
What are the Benefits of the Sanlam Online Personal Loan?
In a Sanlam Online Personal Loan, you can choose a repayment term that will suit your budget and financial circumstances. This loan feature will allow you to set the most convenient way to repay your debt to the company.
Also, repayments are fixed during your entire loan term. With this feature, you can budget your funds ahead with ease and comfort. Sanlam uses advanced technologies to find out if you qualify for the loan. Once approved, the company will deposit the money directly into the bank account you supplied on the form.
Eligible members of Sanlam Reality can enjoy up to 20% of their loan repayments back when they have finished 12 consecutive repayments. Are you now interested in ordering a Sanlam Online Personal Loan? Check out the application process and requirements of the lender.
What are the Fees of the Sanlan Bank Loan?Â
You should also take note that Sanlam will also charge you with certain fees. One of them is a one-time initiation fee worth ZAR1,207.50. On top of this, you should also pay a monthly service fee worth ZAR69.
The Sanlam Online Personal Loan has an annual interest rate of 21.9% to 27.75% which its loan specialist will determine based on your creditworthiness, financial situation, and other factors.
Overall, getting a Sanlam Online Personal Loan will work for you if you need a lender that can provide you top-notch assistance in obtaining money that you can use for emergencies, large purchases, and upcoming personal events.
How to Apply for a Sanlam Online Personal Loan
Interested applicants of a Sanlam Online Personal Loan can fill out the form on their website. After submitting it, a loan specialist will call you back to help process your application. The lender has a set of requirements such as proof of identification showing that you are at least 18 years old. You should also present other documents that prove you are a South African citizen or resident. You must also provide the lender a copy of your latest payslips, bank statements, and other income documents. To increase your chances of approval, you must have an above average credit score.
Sanlam allows its customers to loan from ZAR5,000 to ZAR200,000, with a repayment period of 24 to 72 months.
How to Contact Sanlan Bank
Head office
Sanlam Head Office
2 Strand Road
Bellville, South Africa
Telephone: 860 726 526
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.