If you're looking for a personal loan that also comes with some perks, the FNB Online Personal Loan just might be for you. The bank offers eBucks rewards on the money you pay back and you can use them for a variety of fun things. Of course, getting a personal loan means you have a need beyond the perks and you should take time to evaluate those needs.

You might need a loan for a big purchase that you just weren't expecting. Or maybe you have come to the decision that you need to get your finances in order. Whatever your reason, write it down and have a clear vision of what you are trying to accomplish.


You have a lot of options when it comes to loans and the banks need you as much as you need them. That is why it is best to know what you require before you begin your personal loan search. Our editors have dive into the FNB Online Personal Loan to bring you the details that matter. Read everything provided below so you can make an informed decision on whether or not this loan is for you.

Image Source: Umaizi

What Are the Benefits of an FNB Personal Loan?

The bank is offering a personal loan that not only allows you to get the funding you need but also gives you optimal manageability. With FNB Online Personal Loan, you are guaranteed an interest rate that is tailor-fit for your situation.

Image Source: FNB South Africa

This way, you will only be paying repayments that you know you can manage. Moreover, the repayments are fixed, meaning, your rate will not vary even when there are interest hikes.


Aside from providing personalised rates, this option gives existing account holders to boost their eBucks Reward Level. So, if you have been saving up your eBucks, this loan can help you earn more, allowing you to spend your points at the eBucks Shop and for travel purchases.

What’s better is you can enjoy a payment break every January, given that your loan is always up to date and is a 6-month term or more. Moreover, should you need more funds,  you can get more which can reach as high as R 300,000.

When you get this loan, you are expected to make consistent repayments for your loan. Being one of the most manageable offers, FNB ensures that you will get a fixed interest rate for your loan. Your rate will depend on your loan amount, term, and other eligibility details.


You can get an interest rate as low as 12.75%. Keep in mind that there is no initiation fee for this loan when you top up your existing personal loan with FNB, so that’s one less fee to worry about. If you wish to pay your loan ahead of time, you will not be charged any penalty fees, making this loan more affordable.

With the various features and benefits, as well as the minimal fees and charges, you can enjoy your funds better. FNB Online Personal Loan gives you a great option for an easily predictable and valuable option, whilst making it easier to apply. Interested in applying for this loan? Just visit their website and click on ‘Apply Now’ to start your application process.

How to Apply for an FNB Personal Loan

FNB makes it easy for you to avail of this loan, whether you are an existing customer or not. If you have been banking with FNB, you only need to go to the FNB website and log in to your online banking account.

Image Source: FNB South Africa

Eligibility requirements include being at least 18 years old, a permanent SA resident, permanently employed or self-employed, and having a salary that pays directly into your bank account. 

If you are a new customer, you are welcome to apply using their online application form. You only need to enter your title, full legal name, and ID number. Moreover, you also have to provide your income details, expected expenses, total credit agreements, and other similar information. Make sure you have these documents on hand - proof of residence and income, passport with a valid work permit, and a South African ID.

During your application, you are given the chance to provide your desired loan amount within R 1,000 to R 300,000.

How to Contact FNB

The South African head office address for FNB South Africa is 6th Floor, 1 First Place
Cnr Simmonds and Pritchard Streets, Johannesburg, 2001. 

Loan applicants are asked to call 087 335 8630 for inquiries regarding applications. When dialing from outside South Africa, call +27 11 371 3711 first followed by the 087 number already listed.


When looking for the ideal South African personal loan, there are many options on the market.

Considering the relatively low interest rate that FNB offers, you may find that their personal loan is a good choice for you as you finance your future. 

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a loan. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.