If you need a loan for something you hadn't planned for, the African Bank Online Personal Loan might be the answer you have been looking for. Many loans come with strict terms and stipulations about what you are allowed to spend the money on. The African Bank Personal Loan gives you the freedom to spend the money they give you on anything from a wedding to home renovations.
There are a variety of reason why you might be in need of a loan. You should take a step back, sit down and write out what your goals are for the loan. It is all well and good to receive a chunk of funds, but these are funds you will pay back so how you spend them should be planned. You want to get the maximum out of borrowed dollars so the interest you return on top is well-worth your effort.
You should think about the interest amount that is acceptable for you, as well as payback terms and loan maximums. Our editors have dived into the African Bank Online Personal Loan to help you understand the details. Once you read through everything, you will better be able to evaluate whether or not this loan is worth your patronage.

What are the Benefits of the African Bank Online Personal Loan?
African Bank helps you turn your dreams into reality with absolute affordable loans and easy application. In case you are planning to get married or have your home renovated, you definitely can trust African Bank for a smooth and steadfast loan process.Â
When it comes to applying for a loan, some people get easily intimidated by the process plus the towering fees. With some lenders, this might be true but for African Bank, you’ll surely feel confident and at ease because you are in good hands. Applying for the personal loan can be done online and the requirements are just standard. No need to worry about the fees because these are all minimum.
In case you need bigger funds for personal expenses, you’ll be glad to know that with African Bank Online Personal Loan, you can borrow up to R250,000 payable in 7 to 72 months! Once your application is approved, funds can be transferred straight to your bank account. Absolutely no cold cash for your safety and convenience.
Afraid of the unsteady monthly repayments? No need, because you will know exactly how much you will be paying each month, thanks to the fixed repayment scheme. This way, you can have peace of mind every month.
There are a few fees you need to settle like one-time initiation fee of R1197, a monthly admin fee of R69 plus the interest rate of 15% up to 27.50%. All prices already include VAT, so there’s nothing more to think about.
All in all, the African Bank Online Personal Loan is a good choice to get instant funds for home renovation, vacation or for your education. You can also use it for your education, travels or purchasing your dream car without having to pay hyper fees.
 You don’t have to settle to unsecured loans because now, you get more value to your money with African Bank Online Personal Loan. You get the opportunity to for fixed monthly repayment, a higher loan amount and longer terms to pay back the borrowed money. For some of you, the fees ot this loan will be better than trying to get the traditional loan associated with those purchases.
How to Apply for an African Bank Online Personal Loan Application
You can apply for this loan in an easy as 1,2 and 3 steps! First, you need to visit the website of the African Bank for the online application. Then, you can tap on the Apply Now and fill out the form. You also need to have supporting documents with you such as 3 salary deposits for the proof of income, proof of residence and bank statement reflecting 3 salary deposits.
To ensure that your application will be successful, you must be at least 18 years old, employed and is a South African resident. Note that you can borrow up to a maximum of R250,000, but African Bank will give something that’s manageable for you to pay.
How to Contact African Bank
Head office
59, 16th Road,
Telephone: 0861 111 011
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.