If you want to find out whether or not you qualify for a personal loan and don't want it to affect your credit score, RocketLoans Online Personal Loan can help you out. Each time a potential lender checks out your credit, it affects your credit score to your detriment. RocketLoans have a softcheck procedure that allows them to view your score without it negatively impacting you.
There are many reasons you may need a personal loan right now. It could be a good option for someone attempting to consolidate their debt. Loans might also be necessary for surprise costs associated with your home or another major purchase you don't have cash on hand for. RocketLoans can help you out pretty quickly if you qualify.
Before applying for any loan, make sure they can provide you what you need. For example Rocketloans won't directly pay your creditors if that is what you want. But they can provide you with a decent interest rate. We've compiled some helpful information about RocketLoans to help you make a an informed decision about whether or not this loan is right for you.
The Features and Benefits of RocketLoans Personal Loans
The goal of RocketLoans is simple: to provide you with a loan that allows you to easily get the money you need. With their simple and automated process, you can easily get your loan straight into your account.
Another benefit of this loan is you can get a fixed term with a fixed interest rate. Aside from allowing you to consolidate credit card balances into a personal loan, you can also save tons of money at the same time. In just 3 to 5 years, you can completely pay off your debt without a hitch.
Debt consolidation isn’t the only thing you can use your loan for. More than this, you can use the money to make your much-awaited home improvement, pay for your medical expenses, purchase or repair a vehicle, and even put the capital towards your small business. With this loan, everything is within your reach.
What are the Fees of the RocketLoansÂ
For this personal loan, you will need to pay an APR ranging from 5.983% to 29.99%. The loan interest rates are determined by an array of conditions including your FICO score, monthly income, loan term, number of credit inquiries, DTI ratio, and homeownership.
RocketLoans requires you to pay a one-time origination fee ranging from 1%-6% of the loan amount. There is also a late payment fee of $15 and a returned check fee of $15 per occurrence.
For example, taking out a $10,000 loan on a 60-month term would give you an 11% interest rate with a 13.26 APR. To pay this off, you'd need to set aside $217.42 per month.
How to Apply for a RocketLoans Online Personal Loan
If you have decided that the RocketLoans Online Personal Loan is for you then you will be happy to know, it isn't that complicated to apply.
ll you need to do is to fill out the application form found on the RocketLoans website and explore your options. Here, you can choose the amount, term, and rate that best fit your needs and your budget. You can even view your rate online without affecting your credit score.
To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States or a legal resident in the US. To proceed with your application, you need to provide proof of your identity, address, income, employment details, and have your Social Security Number on hand.
Should your application be approved, you can take out a loan starting from $2,000 to $35,000. For Ohio residents, loans must be greater than $5,001.
How to Contact RocketLoans
To learn more about applying for this loan, you can contact RocketLoans. They can be reached by phone at 1 800-333-7625. You can also visit their main office at 1274 Library St, Detroit, Michigan.
Overall, a RocketLoans Online Personal Loan is a good choice when it comes to borrowing money at affordable rates. Keep in mind the associated charges when you are deciding on your loan amount. If this loan does not fit your needs, you can keep searching for other options.Â
Note: There are risks involved when applying for a loan. Consult the lender’s terms and conditions page for more information.