There are many reasons you might need a loan like to consolidate debt then the Lending Club Online Personal Loan may be for you. It might help you renew financial health, and give you the breathing space you need. Perhaps you are in a sticky situation with your credit cards, this loan could help you.
Just remember that a personal loan is a huge responsibility and you should only sign on the dotted line if you are confident in your payback ability. A loan is not a free money program, it should help you get back on track. A Lending Club Online Personal Loan could be an option.
Our editors have researched what Lending Club has to offer. They discovered it is a card that can consolidate and simplify your debt. It also allows you to make fixed monthly payments at reasonable rates. But before you make any kind of decision, you need to understand the details.
Benefits of a Lending Club Online Personal Loan
The Lending Club takes pride in offering you a personal loan that’s catered towards your needs. More importantly, it aims to help you take control not only of your finances but also your future.
A Lending Club Online Personal Loan allows you to consolidate your loans and your debts. Through this offering, you can refinance your credit cards and simplify your debt. All you need to do is pay a fixed-rate loan on a monthly basis. Through this offering, you can make sure that your monthly payment never increases.
What’s more, you can apply online for the Lending Club Online Personal Loan. It takes a few minutes and you can apply from home. You can get an answer pretty quickly. And if you are approved, the funds for the Lending Club Loan will be available in a few days after approval.
With your loan being deposited right into your bank account, you won’t have to wait to start paying your debt, credit cards, home improvement projects, or pay for unexpected expenses. Whatever you need, you can have peace of mind knowing you have the flexibility to decide how you can use your loan.
When you take out a loan, your APR, interest rate, and origination fee can depend on several factors, including your credit rating, the amount you intend to borrow, and how much debt is under your name. This can range from 6.95% to 35.89% APR. You’ll be glad to know that there are NO prepayment penalties.
For example, should you take on a $6,000 loan on a 36-month term, you will be given an 11.51% APR. This will garner a yearly interest rate of 7.99% and a one-time origination fee of 5% (equivalent to $300). You will then receive $5,700 in your account, where you will need to pay $187.99 per month over a period of 36 months.
Examine your budget closely and determine your financial health before you apply for any loan.
How to Apply for a Lending Club Online Personal Loan
Requesting your own Lending Club Online Personal Loan couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is fill out the application form found on the Lending Club website. You can even check your rate on their website and see what you qualify for without affecting your credit score.
To be eligible, you need to be at least 18 years old, a United States citizen or a permanent resident in the country, or living in the US with a valid, long-term visa. In addition, you must also have a verifiable bank account under your name. You should also have a good credit standing and have a low total outstanding debt. Bear in mind that Lending Club does not accept applications from residents living in Iowa, Guam, or Puerto Rico.
In completing the Lending Club Online Personal Loan application form, you will be asked for your personal information. This includes documents that show your proof of income, employment details, address, and your Social Security Number. Should your Lending Club Online Personal Loan be approved, you can receive anywhere from $3,000 to $40,000.
How to Contact Lending Club Online Personal Loan
Head office
71 Stevenson Street, Suite 300,
San Francisco, California 94105
Telephone: (415) 632-5600
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.