Are you looking for a student loan with NO required fees and 100% coverage of school costs? With a Discover Online Student Loan, you’re good to go because they offer financial aid for under graduate studies, Law, MBA, Health Professions, Bar Exam and more. You will not be charged any fees for loan application, origination and late fees.
If you’re interested to find out how you can apply for this loan, read on.
Features of the Discover Online Student Loan
Discover Bank offers a variety of student loans with flexible payment options. In this article, we’re going to look closely at the features that come with the Discover Undergraduate Student Loan.
One of the reasons to get a student loan from Discovery Bank is flexible repayment schemes. You can either pay for the principal balance monthly, 6 months after you graduate, pay only monthly interests while you’re still at school and pay for a fixed $25 per month while you’re still studying. These options can help you slowly and surely lessen the amount due and get back on track.
Who would’ve thought that getting a loan can be this exciting and rewarding? With Discover Undergraduate Student Loan, you have a chance to get a 1% cash reward. All you need to do is get at least 3.0 GPA or equivalent to qualify for the one-time cash reward of 1% of the principal loan amount. Redemption is easy and hassle-free because all you need is to log in to your account, provide your GPA and wait for the check to arrive at your home.
To lessen the amount due, you can enroll for automatic payments and get up to 0.25% interest rate reduction. This is a great deal especially if you borrow a significant amount from the bank.
Discover Undergraduate Student Loan Application
Applying for this type of loan is easy because the process is straightforward. You can apply via Discover's website by simply filling out the information needed such as school information, the field of study, academic period of enrollment and loan amount requested.
There are a couple of requirements needed for the application to be successful. You must be at least 16 years old or older, enrolled at least half-time in a bachelor’s degree and a US citizen or permanent resident. International students can also apply for this loan, but a US citizen cosigner is required.
Fees and Charges of the Discover Undergraduate Student Loan
Other banks charge towering fees for student loans and even require lots of documentation for approval. With Discover Bank, it’s completely different because of its hassle-free application and extremely low-interest rate.
Upon application, you won’t be charged anything like down payment, application fee, origination or late payment fees. You only need to settle the principal amount plus the interest rate of 4.12% for variable and 5.99% for the fixed rate.
Getting a degree is easy with a Discover Undergraduate Student Loan. You can enjoy low-fees and flexible repayment options. Absolutely NO additional or hidden fees and origination fees required. Apply now and start reaching for your dreams.