Are you looking for a student loan that can help you build a good credit score and with the low-interest rate? You can have both worlds with the Citizens One Online Student Loan. Aside from these, you can get a .50% deduction from the interest when you set up automatic payments. Plus, you can reserve funding for multiple years, guaranteed low interest!
If you’re interested about this loan, read on and find out how you can apply.
Features of the Citizens One Online Student Loan
Citizens Financial Group offers assistance to students in need of financial help. With the right banking plan, you can earn a degree and live your life to the fullest. In this article, we’re going to look into the features that come with a Citizens One Online Student Loan.
Get the peace of mind knowing that your tuition fees can be settled on time. With the Citizens One Online Student Loan, it’s so easy to borrow money for your education. If you’re undergraduate, you have lots of options to choose from and Citizens Financial Group offers counseling. This will help you understand your responsibilities as a borrower and be aware of the federal student loan information.
In this type of loan, you have an option to pay off the interest per month while you are at school or wait until your graduation until you provide the monthly payments. If you have financial difficulties, you can just pay off the balance after graduation. Take note that Citizens Financial Group offers low and competitive variable rates, so you don’t need to worry about the additional fees.
When applying for the Citizens One Online Student Loan, you also don’t need to pay anything like origin fees, down payment or application fee. The only thing you need to think of is the due amount plus the interest.
Citizens One Online Student Loan Application
It’s so easy to apply for this loan. You must be a US citizen or permanent resident, must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree program, at least 18 and not more than 30 and have no prior student loan defaults. Check out Citizens One website and fill out the form. Provide your personal information, housing cost, loan amount, academic period and anticipated graduation date.
For the loan amount, note that you can borrow $5,000 to $100,000 or higher, depending on your financial status and home income. Note that the lender will assess your status and ability to pay.
Fees and Charges of the Citizens One Online Student Loan
The best thing about the Citizens One Online Student Loan is, you aren’t required to make a payment immediately. You can even pay back the balance after your graduation and with a duration of five years. The interest rate is incredibly low at 4.29% up to 12.26% for a variable rate. This is a valuable student loan plan for those in need of financial assistance.
If you’re starting to build a good credit score and at the same time, need a student loan, the Citizens One Online Student Loan is right for you. Inquire now and start your journey to success.