Are you looking for a personal loan with flexible payment terms and incredibly low-interest rates? With Axos Bank Personal Loan, these things are possible plus more! Get the funds you need on time, without waiting for months. Whether you need it for wedding costs, travel expenses or paying for your credit card, Axos Bank has got you covered. Guaranteed no collateral required!
Read on to know how you can apply for this type of loan and find out the requirements needed.
Features of the Axos Bank Personal Loan
Getting a loan should be a straight-forward process. Strict policies and high-interest rates aren’t necessary especially if a client has a good credit score. Good thing, with the Axos Bank Personal Loan, you can enjoy fast acceptance of 2 days plus get your funds directly into your checking or savings account. In this article, you’ll understand how borrowing money from Axos Bank is easy and smooth experience.
Need to loan a huge amount of money but afraid of the repayment terms? You’re definitely safe from bigger monthly repayments with the 12, 24, 36 up to 60 months repayment term. As long as you have the requirements needed, you can definitely score a decent loan amount and payback term.
There are some banks that require pre-payment or deposit money before you can loan a certain amount of cash. This isn’t the case with the Axos Bank Personal Loan. Guaranteed no pre-payment or deposit needed because you need more cash to cover for your needs and expenses.
Finally, getting the borrowed money is easy because it will be directly deposited to your existing bank account. You can simply get the money from this outlet and not worry about carrying a check or cash.

Axos Bank Personal Loan Application
Axos Bank is known for its uncomplicated loan process and flexible lending criteria. You just need to be at least 18 years old, employed and with no existing loan from other banks. To apply for this type of loan, you can either visit a branch near you or apply online. If you choose online, you need to create an account on their website and fill up the form with your personal details and the amount you wish to borrow. You can already indicate the loan term and how you plan to use your loan.
Note that the bank can allow loan between $5,000 to $35,000. Depending on your credit score, you can get the maximum amount as long as you can repay on time.
Fees and Charges of the Axos Bank Personal Loan
The only thing you need to worry about is the 6.49% interest rate of the overall loan amount. Other than this, there are no other fees you need to settle.
Get a personal loan today and enjoy life to the fullest. Be it for a wedding, relocation of paying off credit card balances, Axos Bank has got you covered. Apply today and receive the fund after 48 hours.