Do you need a personal loan which you can use for a vacation, home renovation or debt consolidation? You’re all set with the TD Personal Loan. Funds are readily available two days after you apply. There’s no income verification and issue only minimum APR for loans up to $25,000. The process is easy, hassle-free and straightforward, so you’re totally in for a great deal.
Read on to find out how you can apply for this type of loan.
Features of the TD Personal Loan
TD Bank makes banking fulfilling with incredibly low interest and less strict qualifications. In this article, we’re going to look closely at the benefits of having the TD Personal Loan.
For individuals with a good credit score, this type of loan is actually great. The interest rate that will be given is lower compared to what the other banks can offer. Hence, you can save money and get the fund you need for personal matters.
Another reason to get this loan is, you don’t need to open an account with TD Bank just to borrow money. As long as you have decent credit and you’re employed, you are free to apply. The bank doesn’t require a lot of things before you get access to the money you need.
TD Bank also offers convenient repayment terms for the personal loan. It could be 12 months to pay or up to 60 months. In addition, you can also earn interest on the funds secured.
If you’re building your credit, the TD Personal Loan is also great for you. Since there is collateral for this loan, you are required to pay back the money on time, hence, your records will be great.

TD Personal Loan Application
To apply for this loan, you can head on to the TD Bank website for more details, or simply visit a TD Bank branch near you and book an appointment with a banking specialist. Make sure to bring with you supporting documents to get approved without a problem. To apply, you must be at least 21 years of age, have a social security number, employed and without existing loan with other financial institutions. You will be asked to fill out a form then a lending specialist will call you after one business day.
Note that the minimum amount you can borrow is $5,000 and the maximum loan amount is $50,000. The loan is still subject for approval, so these figures are just a basis.
Fees and Charges of the TD Personal Loan
The best thing about this loan is it doesn’t have any annual, late payment or prepayment fee. You only need to pay $50 for the origination fee upon getting the funds and that’s it. The only thing you need to think of is paying the money you borrow with the 7.92% APR.
Apply for this loan today and get funds for home renovation, debt consolidation and more. The TD Personal Loan offers flexible repayment terms, easier requirements for application and with an absolutely low-interest rate. To find out more, check out the website of TD Bank.