If you're looking for a car loan that isn't going to be finicky about how often you would like to pay back the loan in a month, the TD Car Loan might be a good choice. Some loan plans are pretty strict that you pay monthly over a certainĀ  number of years, but with the TD Car Loan, you can choose to pay weekly or semi-weekly and pay it all back sooner. Of course the month payment choice is available too.Ā 

You can use the TD loan to buy not only a new car but also a used car. Knowing what you need before you get out into the market of car loans is essential. For example, some car loans will not allow you to use your money on a used vehicle. Other car loans will penalize you if you pay your loan off early. And then there are other lenders that have minimums on the lifetime of your loan.


Being clear about what you need and what you can afford is so very important in finding a solution that is going to be right for you. Our editors have investigated the TD Car Loan and found out some details you will want to know. You can read important information pertaining to the TD Car Loan below, which will help you make a better decision on whether or not this card is right for you.

Need a car loan with flexible payment terms and personalized repayment schedules? TD Car Loan is your best option. Here's how to apply...

What are the Benefits of a TD Car Loan?Ā 

One of the highlights of a TD Car Loan is its competitive fixed and variable rates. Under this advantage, you can find the rate thatā€™s right for you and your lifestyle. If you apply under this loan, you will be given preferred rates on select automobile and recreational vehicle brands. Whether you intend to buy a new car or go with a gently used vehicle, know that preferred rates will be on your side.

Apart from this offering, you can also enjoy flexible payment options. All you need is to take your pick from the payment frequency that suits your budget. Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payment terms are all ripe for your picking.


In addition, you are also entitled to get a personalized repayment schedule. Simply choose the duration of your loan. Depending on the loan amount you intend to take out, you can get up to a 96-month amortization period. Through this initiative, you can say goodbye to scrimping your budget just to pay off your borrowed amount.Ā Ready to get your TD Car Loan? Learn how you can apply today.

What are the Fees of the TD Car Loan?

Interest rates depend on your loan amount. Likewise, the bank may charge you other fees such as documentation fees and other initial costs of completing your contract.

For example, if you borrow $10,000 with an annual interest rate of 10% with monthly payments, the balance you have to pay for the month comes out to $84.93.


If you are interested in flexible payment terms and personalized repayment schedules, looking into a TD Car Loan is a good place to start.Ā 

TD Car Loan

How to Apply for a TD Car Loan

You can head on to their website for more details. Requesting your very own TD Car Loan can be done online. Another option for you if you're not an online person, you can apply by going to a branch near you or through going to a dealer of your choice. TD Auto Finance partners with over 4,500 dealerships nationwide.

To be eligible for this program, you must be of legal age and be a citizen of Canada. You must also have a stable income and bear good credit standing. A good credit history is imperative to allow lenders to give you the money you need.

If your car loan application is approved, you can take out up to $10,000. This number depends on your financial background.

How to Contact TD Bank Car Loan

Head office

66 Wellington St W.

Toronto, ON M5K 1A1, Canada

Telephone: 1-800-430-6095

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bankā€™s terms and conditions page for more information.