Do you need to make a loan with a high limit that you can receive within the day? By applying for the Fairstone Personal Loan, you can get this advantage and a lot more perks. Read on to find out how to qualify for the Fairstone Personal Loan.

As one of Canada's leading non-bank lender, Fairstone has been providing loans to Canadians since 1923. With years of experience on providing secured and unsecured loans, you can get expert and prompt assistance from its experienced loan agents. You can use your borrowed money for many uses such as debt consolidation, emergencies, home renovation, vacations or significant life events such as weddings. 


Still uncertain on ordering a Fairstone Personal Loan? Let us find out the many benefits and perks you can enjoy:

Fairstone Personal Loan Features and Benefits

Even before requesting a loan, Fairstone already provides friendly and personalized service through its loan quote. By answering a few questions from its quote, you can determine your loan eligibility as well as your personalized interest rates, fees and other information regarding your loan application.

You can also consult a Lending Specialist who will assist you in the processing of the loans. You will get one-on-one personalized service from this knowledgeable professional who will recommend which type of loans will best suit your requirements.


Fairstone also allows you to choose from its flexible payment options and affordable monthly payments. Their Lending Specialist will also give you fixed rates depending on your financial capacity.

Fairstone also allows you to cancel an unsecured personal loan within 14 days should you change your mind. The lender will not charge you with fees nor ask you any questions.

You can also avail multiple protection from various insurance coverages, including life, job loss, disability, and home and auto security plan.


Are you excited to apply for an Fairstone Personal Loan? Check out the lender's application process and requirements.

Fairstone Personal Loan Application Process

You can get a loan quote by filling up the online form on the Fairstone website. After you submit the form, a Lending Specialist will contact you for a consultation. The specialist may ask you proof of identification that you are at least 18 years or older. The specialist may also ask you documents proving you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. You must also have a valid bank account and an email address.

For unsecured loans, Fairstone can grant $500 to $20,000 with a loan term of 6 months to 5 years. For secured loans, the lender can provide $5,000 to $30,000 that you can repay in 3 to 10 years.

Fees and Interest Rates

Fairstone does not charge any fees (origination, pre-payment, or late payment) to their customers.

The interest rate may fall between 26.99% to 39.99% for unsecured loans and 19.99% to 23.99% for secured loans. Lending specialists compute your interest rates depending on your capacity to pay, credit history, and other factors.

Overall, getting a Fairstone Personal Loan is your best bet if you want affordable loans that you can obtain after a personalized, one-on-one consultation with lending experts.