If you want to be able to pay your loan off on your own terms, an ANZ Online Personal Loan just might be what you are after. You have the option of paying weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, whatever is best for you. Additionally, you can pay back early and add extra payments to whittle down the debt faster.

You can borrow from $5000 to $50,000 with an ANZ Online Personal Loan, the amount will depend on your current financial standing. There are a variety of reasons you may need a loan and one of those could be that you want to get back on financial track. The ANZ personal loan offers the opportunity for debt consolidation so you don't have to juggle multiple accounts. Just remember, there are numerous loan options for you out there, so you should do your research before applying.


There are a variety of factors you want to look at like variable or fixed interest rate. You also want to know about flexibility in payback terms and what you can and can't use the loan for. Our editors have looked into the ANZ Online Personal Loan for you and have the details below. Make sure you read everything before deciding whether it is the loan for your lifestyle. 

Want a personal loan that offers flexible and convenient ways to meet your needs? ANZ Online Personal Loan is your best option. Here's how to apply...

What are the ANZ Online Personal Loan Types?

ANZ is one of Australia's big four banks. It provides various financial services which include online personal loans. With your borrowed cash, you can use for traveling, consolidating your debts, renovating your home, hosting a wedding or other event, or purchasing a car or other vehicle types.

ANZ offers a fixed rate loan and variable rate loan. In the fixed rate, ANZ will set an interest rate that will be the same throughout your loan. Meanwhile, the variable rate type enables you to repay your loan at an earlier time, allowing you to save on the reduced interest.


What are the Benefits of an ANZ Online Personal Loan?

ANZ gives you the freedom to choose whether you will repay on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly basis. With a flexible payment scheme, you can keep your manage finances and set your budget with ease. You can also use the bank's handy online calculator app to find out how much you should pay for your chosen repayment schedule.

With the ANZ Internet Banking, managing your finances will be a breeze. By logging on, you can check your balances, repayments made, interest paid and other details. Check out the fees associated with getting this loan below.

What are the Fees? 

You need to pay a loan approval fee of $150 and a loan administration fee of $10 charged at the end of each quarter. If you miss out a payment, the bank will cost you a $20 late payment fee.


ANZ Online Personal Loan has a minimum interest rate of 12.45% for fixed rate and 15.99% for variable rate. The bank can give you a higher interest which will be based on the loan amount, your credit score, and other factors.

Overall, applying for an ANZ Bank Online Personal Loan works best if you want instant cash for various purposes.

ANZ Online Personal Loan
Image Source: en.wikipedia.org

How to Apply for an ANZ Online Personal Loan

You can apply for an ANZ Online Personal Loan by visiting their website. You must also prepare to present your requirements, such as proof of identification showing you are aged 18 years or older. You must also be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

Those with a valid visa can also be considered. You may also need to present documents such as payslips and bank statements as proving that you earn at least $15,000 per year. Financial experts advise you should have a credit score of over 650 to increase your chances of approval.

You can loan from $5,000 to $50,000 for both fixed loan and variable loan types, which you can pay back within 1 to 7 years.

How to Contact ANZ Online Personal Loan

Head office

ANZ Centre Melbourne, Level 9
833 Collins Street, Docklands
Victoria 3008, Australia

Telephone: +61 3 9273 5555

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.