Kissing your 20s goodbye might be a challenge for those of you who loved to live life to the fullest. This period in your life may have meant endless nights of partying, waking up with a hangover, or even wondering where all of your hard-earned money went. Money management in your 20s is hard.

Now that you are welcoming your 30s, it’s certainly time to be thirty, flirty, and thriving. And by thriving, we mean being more budget savvy when it comes to planning birthdays and other similar events. After all, you don’t want to wake up with your savings down the drain.


To avoid these unwanted circumstances as you welcome the big 3-0, here are some tips you might want to take note of.

Birthday Party Budget

Combining Birthday Celebrations

Joint birthday parties are not everyone’s cup of tea. However, considering going this route if money is a bit tight this year. Not only will you get the chance to save and divide some expenses between you and the other celebrant, but you also eliminate the need for preparing for another celebration. A joint party budget also means double the fun, so make sure to find another buddy you can hold a celebration with.


Personalize Your Own Cake

Buying a cake can take up much of your party budget, especially when taking into account the number of servings it can feed. Take this dilemma out of the way by creating and personalizing your own cake. Cake mixes can easily be bought from the nearby grocery store, while icing and buttercream can also be made in just a few minutes at home. This will save you both time and much-needed money.

Take Advantage of Birthday Offerings

If you are the type of person that absolutely loves getting freebies, you are certainly in for a treat. Many restaurants, as well as other dining and retail establishments, typically offer birthday treats or discounts, so make sure to take advantage of these treats.

For example, Starbucks offers a complimentary slice of cake or even a free beverage on your special day. Other upscale restaurants even provide free desserts at the end of a meal, matching this with a jolly rendition of the good old ‘Happy Birthday’ song.


Staying In and Hosting a Potluck

As you grow older (and wiser), the more you’ll appreciate staying in at your own place and spending more intimate time with your closest friends and family. To avoid spending over your means and going out of your way, why not invite your friends and family over to your place? While you’re at it, asking them to bring potluck dishes to contribute.

Since most guests will more likely bring more food and drinks that you can consume, you can bet that you’ll be set for the rest of the night. Throw in some quality songs and good conversations into the mix, and you’re guaranteed to have a great time. Not to mention, you’ll avoid spending bucks at the overpriced and overhyped restaurant down the corner.


With these party budget birthday celebration ideas, you can welcome your 30s with your finances intact. Remember, birthdays don’t have to be expensive. You can always have wonderful and memorable party celebrations on a budget.